Debora Giannone is an actress, writer, stand up comedian, and photographer. Fiery Italian parents raised her in a strict Swiss environment creating the perfect tension to influence a young artist. Debora speaks English, Italian, and German fluently, and is semi-fluent in French. Deb has worked in commercials, including the privilege of working with Tony Gardner (for NBC’s Chiller TV.) Also, Converse Shoe Commercial: In Their Chucks 360° Experience (collaboration with Google) and Youth (2015 – Oscar-winning Director Paolo Sorrentino).
Debora also writes and performs stand up comedy. 2020 afforded her the time to write two comedic series treatments; “Holy Smokes” and “Dogma.” She is currently creating a Comedy Mini-Series taking a hilarious look at social media guilt “The InstaNun” @theinstanun.
“I am grateful for having worked on ‘SEDUCED’. I hope the series will entice viewers to take healing into their own hands.”
Debora’s Blog
My Story
Debora is an actress, writer, stand up comedian, and photographer. Fiery Italian parents raised Debora in a strict Swiss…
To contact Debora, visit: deboragiannone.com