India Oxenberg is a producer, writer, speaker, and advocate for those leaving cults, high control groups and coercive relationships. Her seven years spent inside the NXIVM cult led her to investigate how indoctrination and coercive control work on the brain. She is now sharing what she learned in the STARZ documentary SEDUCED: Inside the NXIVM Cult, and in her first person audiobook: STILL LEARNING. Her search for self discovery is one that many of her millennial contemporaries have undertaken, but hers led her into the clutches of one of the most manipulative and skilled cults in the world. She believes in the power of transforming trauma into activism, and is currently developing on camera and writing projects, in addition to her public speaking.
“I can’t explain how empowering it was to be part of a female led crew, documenting some of the bravest women I’ve ever met in my life.”

Click here to pre-order India’s book exclusively on Audible.
India’s Blogs
India delivers powerful Victim Impact Statement at Keith Raniere’s sentencing
Im here because you exploited me, you coerced and manipulated me.
Still Learning
I was first recruited into ESP through an introduction meeting held Santa Monica, CA. After that I took a…